Peace Corps volunteer in Albania: The contents of this blog are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Last night in Elbasan

Well i wrote an entire description of what has gone on the past two days but when i posted it didnt work and wa lost so, o well, such is life in Albania. I am slowly starting to realize but it is fairly funny. I dont have the energy to write it all again so i will abreviate. Everything is good, it snowed today, unusual for this city i am told. We havnt had a chance to really explore, i havnt taken a single picture cause we have been so busy with classes on language, rules, regulations, safety and security, life in Albania, and getting to know the other 34 PC trainees in group 12. I promise the next post will be more informative. tomorrow we move in with our respective host family in or satelite site which will be home for the next ten weeks. Ow ya, ignore the poor spelling and grammar i just dont have the focus tonight after classes all day long. well hope everything is good with everyone and shoot me an email if you like i will respond when i can.

Monday, March 16, 2009


well, this is the first and only day of staging. Tomorrow we leave for Elbasan, Albania. Everyone in my training group is very interesting and extremely interested in getting to know eachother. We spent the day learnig about our trip and what to expect when we arive in Albania. I dont know when I will get to write on this again so I will try to add every detail I have the energy and time to extend. It seams like most of the other volunteers have the same worries as I do and we are continually learning how to adapt to the intricacies of a beurocratic organization. Owe ya excuse the misspellings throughout this because I have little time and my spelling is just plain bad in general, but I guesse that doesnt matter since my new main language isnt english. After staging we all went to dinner and then for dirnks and conversation at a really cool irish pub in Philly. there are 34 of us who leave for Albania tomorrow in three different project groups: Health education, Teaching English as a Foreighn Language, and Community Organization Developement. I was worried at first that i was not quite qualified to assist in communtiy developement but after speaking to some of the other younger volunteers, we all kinda share the same anxieties. Well, i really better go to bed, tomorrow is a long day, we leave Philly at 9ish and arrive at the airport at noon, then we dont leave JFK until 6ish. the ride is about 15 hours befor we arive in Elbasan. We arrive at noon in Elbasan and then we have a welcome dinner to intoduce us to PC (Peace Corps) staff and host country staff (politicians and such), so exciting. well i better go to bed and enjoy the last bit of American TV that i can.
